Facebook is the most popular social network in America — roughly two-thirds of adults in the country use it on a regular basis.
But that doesn’t mean they don’t get sick of it.
A new survey by the Pew Research Center‘s Internet and American Life Project, conducted in December, found that 61 percent of current Facebook users admitted that they had voluntarily taken breaks from the site, for as many as several weeks at a time.
The main reasons for their social media sabbaticals were not having enough time to dedicate to pruning their profiles, an overall decrease in their interest in the site, and the general sentiment that Facebook was a major waste of time.

If you have ever been somewhere with a group of people and had a single Ethernet connection in the room you were working on, you completely understand the need to share that connection. You can carry around a small switch with you, but then you have to also carry around the associated network cables so that everyone in the room can make a connection. With every mobile device and laptop having WiFi, it makes things much simpler. 

For many consumers shopping around for a new desktop or laptop PC, one of the biggest considerations is the type of processor, and the two most often in contention are the Intel Core i5 and Core i7. Discounting Core i3 (mainly found in budget systems) and AMD processors (another article entirely), the difference between Intel Core i5 and Core i7 can seem daunting, especially when the prices seem so close together once they're in completed systems. We break down the differences for you.

ine - Twitter's new video clip sharing app - has had its age rating increased to 17+ on Apple's store, the highest option. 
The software had previously been rated suitable for 12-year-olds.
It follows complaints that some of its six-second segments were pornographic.
Blogging service Tumblr and photo-sharing service 500px have also seen their iPhone and iPad apps boosted to the maximum age rating over the past fortnight.
Vine is not yet available for Android, but Google Play rates its 500px app as having a "high maturity" content rating, while Tumblr is marked as "low maturity".
Technology news site The Verge was first to note the change in Vine's status. 
The app had previously made headlines after one of its Editor's Pick showed a couple engaged in a sexual act.

Thousands of computers running Microsoft's Windows XP operating system were unable to connect to the internet after installing an anti-virus update.
Users said they were also unable to access their internal company networks.
Russian IT security company Kaspersky Labs told users to disable its anti-virus software or roll back the update.
Two hours later it issued a fix - but since their PCs were unable to auto-install new code from the net, users had to perform several tasks first.
Kaspersky told its customers: "Please disable the web AV component of your protection policy for your managed computers."

SAN FRANCISCO — Zynga has been on a monumental losing streak. Hits have been rare, profits nonexistent and crucial employees are fleeing.
The story of the company, which developed the notion of social gaming and persuaded tens of millions of people to try it out on Facebook, illustrates how suddenly the fortunes of hot Internet companies can shift. Two years ago, as Zynga was first being talked about for a public offering, it was said to be worth $20 billion.
By the time the offering took place, a little over a year ago, it was for about $7 billion. And Zynga has spent most of the time since then sliding downhill. The value of the company Tuesday, as it released mediocre but nevertheless better-than-expected fourth-quarter results, was about $2 billion.
In the next few months, Zynga faces a critical test that will determine if even that sum is excessive: can it successfully put its most popular Web games, starting with Farmville, on mobile devices?